平推流反应器 Piston Flow Reactor (PFR) 活塞流模型或理想置换模型 This type of units is illustrated in the following figure. This reactor consists of a tube inside which the reaction medium flows. This makes i t t h e s i m p l e s t s t r u c t u r e conceivable f or a continuou s o p e r a ti o n s ys t em . Th e h ea t exchange necessary to add heat to the system or to remove it generally occurs ac ros s the tube wall
1 . A reaction has the stoichiometric equationA+B=2R. What is the order of reaction? 2. A reaction with stoichiometric equationhas the following rate expressionWhat is the rate expression for this reaction if thestoichiometric equation is written as A+2B=2R+S?A B R S2
The reactivity of organometallic compounds increases with the percent ionic character of the carbon-metal bond. RLi and RMgX are of great importance in organic synthesis
A mass spectrometer produces a spectrum of masses based on the structure of a molecule. It is a spectrum or plot of the distribution of ion masses corresponding to the formula weight of a molecule, fragments derived from the molecule, or both
These spectra are often called carbon magnetic resonance (CMR) spectra or 13C NMR spectra. In some important ways 13C spectra are usually les complex and easier to interpret than proton (1H) NMR spectra