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Review Primary sedimentary structures Faults (thrust system, extensional fault system, strike-slip fault system) · Joints(tension joints, conjugate joints,en echelon joints) Folding (bending, buckling, flexural slip, flexural flow, passive folding, kinking)
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1运动轴和应变轴 2变形岩石中的小型线理
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Review of Faults and Fractures (Read the summary of faulting in the copy papers after class)
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TECTONIC MODELING Significance of tectonic modeling History of tectonic modeling Methods of tectonic modeling General procedure of tectonic modeling
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Draw a diagrammatic cross section of the eastern side of ridge 3 in the box below
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What is a flower structure? Draw an example of a flower structure in the box below
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1. Remember that there is a lab exam today. a. Have you studied? b. Did you remember to bring all of your old labs and lab supplies?
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Compare and contrast a classic Gulf Coast growth fault with a large-scale extensional fault(Western US). How are they similar? .. different?
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