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复旦大学:《人身伤害的法医学鉴定 Medicolegal Expertise to Body Injuries》教学课件_脊柱与骨关节损伤(李备栩)
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复旦大学:《人身伤害的法医学鉴定 Medicolegal Expertise to Body Injuries》课程资源_课后练习(单选题,无答案)
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复旦大学:《英语公众演说 English Public Speaking》课程教学课件_Chapter 7 Organizing the Body of the Speech
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4.1 引言 4.2 点缺陷(point defect) 4.3 线缺陷(line defect) 4.4 位错特性及测定法(dislocation characteristic) 4.5 面缺陷(face defect) 4.6 体缺陷(body defect)
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§1-1 材料力学的任务及研究对象(The tasks and research objects of mechanics of materials) §1-2 变形固体的基本假设(The basic assumptions of deformable body ) §1-3 力、应力、应变和位移的基本概念 ( Basic concepts of force、stress、 strain and displacement) §1-4 杆件变形的基本形式 (The basic forms of deformation) 引言(Introduction)
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§1-1 材料力学的任务及研究对象(The tasks and research objects of mechanics of materials) §1-2 变形固体的基本假设(The basic assumptions of deformable body ) §1-3 力、应力、应变和位移的基本概念 ( Basic concepts of force、stress、 strain and displacement) §1-4 杆件变形的基本形式 (The basic forms of deformation)
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Any syndrome characterized by malformations or malfunctions in any of the body's systems, and caused by abnormal chromosome number or constitution
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compromised body in low numbers), organisms that are normally nonpathogenic can cause infection. The infectious dose will vary with the organism and the health of those infected. For example, Shigella flexneri requires the ingestion of only a few hundred organisms to cause intestinal disease. Salmonella typhi requires
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TEXT A The Basic Components of an Automobile Engine Chassis Body Electrical Equipment
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disease, you should have it timely The desire for good health is univer As for me, I have always been taking sal. Especially nowadays, the possession care to have proper sleep and relaxation. of good health is regarded by nearly every have also been alert to any discomfort in one as essential to a happy life as well as a body. In my spare time I like run
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