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空调销售网站策划案例 据我们观察,在中国(也包括国外)大大小小的企业网站中存在着非常严重的通病,网站 中的内容是怎么想怎么写,全然不顾访问者感受如何。正确的观念是, 访问客真正需要的是什么,就紧紧围绕这种需求展开。 我们以一个有关营销空调器的网站为例来说明问题
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The Product/Service Definition:- That bundle of benefits which is received in the exchange process Note:- People buy benefits not products:- Health Club Membership A visit to Cadbury world Lynx deodorant Caterpillar Earth Movers
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Marketing Management Review of Last Session/Housekeeping New Developments Brand Management Pillars Positioning'via the pillars NPD 8 stage process v Landrover practice Case Exercise Questions/Reading for next week
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Lecture 5: Marketing Research Lecture Objectives Research- Why? Processes Involved Analysis Reporting
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Lecture 2: Buyer Behaviour in Consumer and Organisational Markets Lecture Objectives Buyer Behaviour Consumer Decision Making Process Characteristics of Organisational Buying
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What is marketing? To attract and retain customers at a profit (Drucker, 1999) To establish, develop and commercialise long-term customer relationships so that the objectives of the parties involved are met (Gronroos, 1989)
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1、客户关系管理的意义。 2、客户关系管理的基本策略与方法
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一、价值与价格的基本概念。 1、价值的概念 (1)价值是主体对客体满足其需要的能力、水平与程度的评价。 (2)市场价值是市场主体对市场客体满足市场需求的能力、水平与程度的评价
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一、促销组合与人员推销 1、推销人员是最重要的市场战斗力 2、人员推销是最富人性化的促销方式 (1)促销方式的多样化与人性化。 (2)促销方式的现代化、电子化、自动化与人性化
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一、新产品开发与市场创新的意义。 1、创新是企业生存与发展的活力源泉。 (1)企业寿命周期。 (2)产品寿命与市场寿命周期。 (3)产业寿命周期与技术寿命周期。 2、创新是提高企业市场竞争力的有效途径
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