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一、总论 二、带传动 三、链传动
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6-1机械零件设计概述 6-2机械零件的工作能力准则 6-3许用应力和安全系数 6-4常用材料及其选择 6-5机械零件的工艺性和标准化
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3-1凸轮机构的应用及分类 3-2推杆的运动规律 3-3凸轮轮廓曲线的设计 3-4凸轮机构基本尺寸的确定
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一、概述 二、滑动轴承 三、滚动轴承
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11-1轮系的分类 11-2定轴轮系 11-3周转轮系的传动比 11-4减速器 11-5机械无级变速 11-6各种机械传动的比较
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1-1研究对象和内容 1-2目的和地位 1-3基本要求和设计过程 1-4机械设计方法简介
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一、相关专业名词 EDA: Electronic Design Automation电子设计自动化 GAL: Generic Array Logic通用阵列逻辑 PLD: Programmable Logic Device可编程逻辑器件 cpD: Complex Programmable Logic Device复杂可编程逻辑器件
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An understanding of the nature of wastewater is essential in the design and operation of collection, treatment, and reuse facilities, and in the engineering management of environmental quality. To promote this understanding, the information in this chapter is presented in eight sections dealing with (1)an introduction to the constituents found in wastewater, (2)sampling and analytical procedures, (3) physical characteristics, (4)inorganic nonmetallic constituents, (5) metallic constituents
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1、设计心理学的定义 2、工业设计与消费者心理的关系 3、设计心理学研究的内容 4、设计心理学的意义
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9.1 Local Effects 9.1.1 Definitions 9.1.2 Processes of Healing 9.1.3 Acute vs. Chronic Inflammation 9.1.4 Phagocytosis(Sm all particle Disease) 9.2 Systemic Effects 9.2.1 Migration of Molecules and Particles; Lymphatic System 9.2.2 Immune Response 9.2.3 Carcinogenicity
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