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二、可编程串行通信接口芯片8251 1.8251A基本性能 (1)两种传送方式:同步和异步传送 (2)同步传送:5~8位/字符,内部或外部同步 可自动插人同步字符 (3)异步传送:5~8位/字符,时钟速率为通信波特率的1、16或64倍
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一、单项选择题。(共14分,每小题2分) 1.下列哪个符号不能作为VB中的变量名?() (A)wash (B)CET4 (C)fh (D)a[3] 2.函数Int(6*RND)+1的值是在哪个范围内的整数?() (A)0,6 (B)[0,7 (C)1,6
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13.1一带电量为q,半径为的金属球A,与一原先不带电、内外半径分别为r 和rC的金属球壳B同心放置,如图所示,则图中点的电场强度如何?若用导线将A和B 连接起来,则A球的电势为多少?(设无穷远处电势为零) 解答]过P点作一个同心球面作为高斯面,尽管金属球壳内侧会 感应出异种,但是高斯面内只有电荷q.根据高斯定理可得
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When in 1920 I resumed my studies of theoretical physics which had long been interrupted by circumstances beyond my control, I was far from the idea that my studies would bring me several years later to receive such a higl and envied prize as that awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences each year to a scientist: the Nobel Prize for Physics. What at that time drew me towards theoretical physics was not the hope that such a high distinction
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wrong shape for a heavenly messenger. Anyway, it's time to stop wondering whether she came from heaven or a nearby town. What matters is this: whoever she was, Aunt Esther Gubbins was right.\
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1. Strength and weakness of anthropology: Anthropologists are often swayed by a single key case a. Weakness in that this is an obviously inadequate sample. No way of knowing if typical or how typical b. Strength in that rich analysis, really can tell you a lot
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5.1运输问题 运输问题(p, Transportation Problem):从m个发点A1,A2,,A往n个收点B1,B2,…,Bn运输货物,有关数据如下图所示:
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Daniel E Prober is in the Departments of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University, NewHaven, Connecticut 06520-8284 USA. e-mail: daniel.prober@yale.edu Astronomers crave a detector sensitive enough to detect a single photon and determine its energy. new single-pixel
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The events leading to the discovery of tunnelling supercurrents took place while I was working as a research student at the Royal Society Mond Labo- ratory, Cambridge, under the supervision of Professor Brian Pippard. During my second year as a research student, in 1961-2, we were fortunate to have as a visitor to the laboratory Professor Phil Anderson, who has made numerous
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Ethnography 1. INTRO Originally people who studied cultures were amateurs who happened to either be particularly observant or who happened to travel a lot. Some of them did more or less what people did today. a. Ibn Khaldun was a famous Arab scholar who did observations of everyone, including the Vikings
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