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通过本章学习,使学生掌握连锁经营的概念; 理解连锁经营的实质与特征;熟悉连锁经营的原则;重点掌握连锁经 营的基本模式,使学生对连锁经营有一个初步的了解
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通过本章学习,使学生了 解连锁店开业前的市场调 查;理解店铺选址的原则 及程序;熟悉店铺的开业; 掌握店铺的商圈分析及设 定,注重店铺布局的运用 等内容
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以麦当劳例,人们不会仅仅因为喜欢汉堡包而涌向全 世界11,000个麦当劳快餐店。其他一些餐馆制作的汉堡 包味道也许更好。人们是冲着某个系统而来,并不仅仅是 汉堡包。这是一个有效运转的系统,该系统向全世界传送 一个高标准,即麦当劳公司所谓的QSCV—质量 ( Quality)、服务(Service)、清洁( Cleanliness)和价 值(Value)。麦当劳公司的有效就在于它和它的供应商、 特许经营店业主、雇员以及其他有关人员共同向顾客提供 了他们所期望的高价值
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Price wars are bad, especially with high fixed costs They reduce current profits and erode customers' perception of product quality Price wars are not inevitable. For example the French and the Germans fight every fifty years but not every year
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Factors facilitating heads attack transparent performance and fashion cycles The same factors make defense arder
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Please read the package and think about Which replies are good and why? Which replies are bad and why? Is a reply always better than none? What do the companies get out of this?
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1.网络市场演变的阶段 (1)生产者内部网络市场阶段 (2)国内的、全球的生产者网络市场和消费者网络市场阶段。企业用 Internet对国内或全球的消费者提供商品和服务。 (3)“在线浏览、在线交易”阶段。这是网络市场发展的最高境界
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Complaint management is an Investment Cost of customer acquisition vs retention Loyal Word of mouth(p positive or negative) Information for design changes Compensation may exceed price
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The fox case Room for one more a number of changes make it easier to enter Chapter transmission technology More syndication More independent stations Demographics makes the young niche larger The networks have a hard time defending
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In a service company, important parts of the productare being designed by the front liners every time they serve a customer They are uniquely positioned to read customer needs. You need to provide them with information(about costs)and Incentives
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