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前言 第一章随机事件及其概率 1.同一问题的概型未必唯一 2.事件间的关系 (1)由A-B=C推不出A=BC (2)由A=BC推不出A-B=C
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1. You still have a lot _if you'll forgive my A)to learn/saying B) learning/saying C) learningto say D) to learn/to say 2. There is no point to persuade him to do anything A)to try B)in trying C)of trying
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一、微分中值定理 1.证明:(1)方程x3-3x+c=0(c是常数)在区间[0,1]内不可能有两个不同的
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9.1 Reverse Eutectoid Transformations 9.1.1 Intro to austenite in Fe-C system 9.1.2 Formation mechanism of austenite 9.1.3 Kinetics of austenitization 9.1.4 Austenite grain growth and its control 9.2 Eutectoid Transformations 9.2.1 Intro to Pearlite in Fe-C system 9.2.2 Formation mechanism of pearlite 9.2.3 Kinetics of pearlite formation 9.2.4 Mechanical properties
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A. 建筑业概览 B. 建设程序 C. 建筑师的工作 A. Introduction to Building Industry B. Construction Procedure C. Architects’ job
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A. 建筑设计技术 B. 建筑结构 C. 材料、构造与施工技术 D. 建筑环境技术 A. IT in Architecture B. Structure C. Materials, Detail Design & Construction D. Building Physics, Environment & Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering (MEP)
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设置厌氧、缺氧段的Carrousel氧化沟(文中简称:A2/C氧化沟)具有生物脱氮除磷 功能,是目前城市生活污水处理的主流工艺之一结合工程实例,从工作原理、工艺设计 等方面对A2C氧化沟进行了详细介绍,可供从事污水处理工程设计的技术人员参考
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Vitamins are organic chemicals required by the body in trace amounts but which cannot be synthesized by the body. The vitamins required for growth and maintenance of health differ between species; compounds regarded as vitamins for one species may be synthesized at adequate rates by other species. For example, only primates and the guinea-pig require ascorbic acid (vitamin C; section 6.4) from their diet; other species possess the enzyme gluconolactone oxidase which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin C from D-glucose or D-galactose
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一、 General Properties 1.根据σ键的数目,碳可釆取sp、sp2、sp3杂化,其最大配位数为4 2.由于碳—碳单键的键能特别大,所以C一C键非常稳定,具有形成均键( homochains)的倾向
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