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Key Points Roman Empire and Western Civilization Caesar and concept of western civilization Roma and Greece Roman civilization: architecture, politic and law achievements Roman law three original elements: Greek philosophy, Roman law
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Content Decline of Roman Empire and the rise of Christianity Saint Augustine: City of God Saint Thomas Aquinas: God and Human Being Conflict between church and king Church and Medieval Feudalism
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Key concepts of Scotch School Nature of Reason and Evolutionary Reason Unintended Consequences of Action Origin of Justice: from Feeling not from Reason Evolutionary Process of Behavior Norms System
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Expedition and Expansion 1453年,奥斯曼土尔其攻陷君士坦丁堡,希腊学 者逃往西方,带去大批希腊文献,古典复兴由此 肇始。 13-15世纪,蒙古帝国兴起并征伐世界,保证跨 欧亚大陆交通安全。西方人一千年后再次进入东 方,繁盛东西方文化与经济交流;永久性改变种 族与宗教面貌; 西方人在上述事件刺激下,向地中海之外寻求去 东方和印度的航路
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1、对列宁关于阶级之定义的原始理解和现代把握 2、社会主义初级阶段的阶级和阶级斗争 3、对现代国家对内职能的理解和把握 4、当代社会主义取代资本主义历史进程中的社会革命 第一节 阶级和阶级斗争 第二节 国 家 第三节 社会革命
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1、什么是社会基本矛盾;疑难解析 2、生产关系一定要适应生产力状况的规律; 3、上层建筑一定要适应经济基础状况的规律 4、社会发展的动力机制。 第一节 生产力与生产关系 第二节 经济基础与上层建筑 第三节 社会发展的动力机制
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Particularism and virtue ethics I. Universalism and Particularism We've considered before some basic questions that we would expect a moral theory to answer i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understanding the\ought\as a moral
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November 21, 2001 Ethical Egoism Here are three questions (of course there are others)we might want an ethical theory to answer for us: i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understandir the\ought\ as moral \ought\)? ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? ii)How do we know what is right and wrong? Remember that according to relativism, whether an action is right or wrong
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Utilitarianism Last time we considered three questions one might ask an ethical theory to answer i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understanding the\ought as a moral ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? 111) How do we know what is right and wrong? There are a variety of strategies for answering(iii). One might hold e. g. that moral truths are revealed by god and
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Moral Relativism The problem of moral relativism begins with the fact of moral diversity: different cultures have different moral codes. Of course,it' s not just between different national cultures that moral opinions differ the same can happen between different subcultures of the same national culture. What does this show? Consider: Moral diversity: Different cultures have different moral codes/values. Does it even follow that: Moral conflict: Different cultures have conflicting moral codes/values
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