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一、什么是多元统计分析 多元统计分析是运用数理统计的方法来研究多变量(多指标)问题的理论和方法,是一元统计学的推广。多元统计分析是研究多个随机变量之间相互依赖关系以及内在统计规律的一门统计学科。 二、多元统计分析的内容和方法 1、简化数据结构(降维问题)
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双向链表(Doubly Linked List) 如果在一个应用问题中经常要求检测指针向前驱和后继方向移动, 为保证移动的时间复杂度达到最小,就必须采用双向链表表示
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Definition A tree is a collection of nodes. The collection can be empty: otherwise, a tree consists of (1) a distinguished node r, called the root; (2)and zero or more nonempty(sub)trees T1,., Tk, each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge from r Note:
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CHAPTER 3Lists S1 Abstract Data Type (ADT) Definition Data Type Objects Operations Example】int={0,±1,±2,…,IT_MAX,IT_MIN} +,-,×,÷,%,…} 【 Definition】 An Abstract Data Type(adt) is data type that is organized in such a way that the specification on the objects and specification of the
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5.1 definition of stack Definition A stack is a linear list in which insertions and deletions take place at the same end. This end is called the top. The other end of the list is called the bottom. It is also called a LIFO(last-in-first-out) list
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7.1 树 7.2 二叉树 7.3 二叉树的设计与实现 7.4 遍历二叉树和线索二叉树 7.5 赫夫曼树及其应用 7.6 树与二叉树的转换
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7.1 树 7.2 二叉树 7.3 二叉树的设计与实现 7.4 遍历二叉树和线索二叉树 7.5 赫夫曼树及其应用 7.6 树与二叉树的转换
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7.1 树 7.2 二叉树 7.3 二叉树的设计与实现 7.4 遍历二叉树和线索二叉树 7.5 赫夫曼树及其应用 7.6 树与二叉树的转换
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7.1 树 7.2 二叉树 7.3 二叉树的设计与实现 7.4 遍历二叉树和线索二叉树 7.5 赫夫曼树及其应用 7.6 树与二叉树的转换
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