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通过本课程的学习,1、应能使学生掌握企业财务管理的基本理论、基本知识和基本技 能,增强学生的理财意识。2、应能使学生懂得财务管理学这门课程的重要的实践意义,培 养和提高其分析与解决实际问题的能力,为将后更好的服务社会打下坚实的基础
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Goal of the Firm 1) Profit Maximization? this goal ignores: a) TIMING of Returns (Time Value of Money Ch. 5) b) UNCERTAINTY of Returns (Risk- Ch. 6)
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Financial statement analysis Are our decisions maximIzing shareholder wealth?
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The Time value of money Compounding and Discounting Single Sums
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Characteristics of Bonds o Bonds pay fixed coupon ( interest) payments at fixed intervals(usually every 6 months)and pay the par value at maturity
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Capital Budgeting: the process of planning for purchases of long term assets。 ° example Suppose our firm must decide whether to purchase a new plastic molding machine for $125.000. How do we decide? will the machine be profitable? Will our firm earn a high rate of return on the investment?
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Three Measures of a Project's Risk Project Standing Alone risk
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Top Creators of shareholder value 1999 invested cost of MVA capital return capital Microsoft3282571095456.16%12.64 Gen elect285,320652981929911.92 Intel
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2 concepts that enhance our understanding of risk... 1) Operating Leverage affects a firm's business risk. 2) Financial Leverage affects a firm's financial risk
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Dilemma: Should the firm use retained earnings for: a) financing profitable capital inⅴ estments? b)Paying dividends to stockholders
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