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Background Information Organization of the Text Introductory Questions Text New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
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一、 Multiple Choice(15%) 1. The boss may Tony because he has the right qualifications. A)fire )dismiss B)hire D)blame
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Part I Multiple Choice (15%) 1. He 1978 we have lost ct with each other so ar C) ever since B)to go ever so
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Part I Vocabulary& Structure(20%) Section A 1. IfI _you, I would not do it. A.was B.am C.were D. be
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Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a You must get everything before you begin the experiment C preparing D. is prepared
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T'ext Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It HOME New words Main idea of the Main idea of eachtext and devices part and devices Text for developing it for developing it Transcript Devices
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Part I Vocabulary Structure(20%) Section a I. Ben was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to him of his mistakes B. recognize C. forget D. convince
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1 Make the best choice: 1.She was able to cope ---- the difficulties she met with. a. in b. with. of.to
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第一单元词汇辨析: unlike, dislike, alike, unlikely, likeness, likely, likelihood 1. He bears a striking to his brother. 2. He is very his father
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