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32.1 D/ and A/D Circuits D/A and A/D Converter Performance Criteria.D/A Conversion Processes. D/A Converter ICs A/D Conversion Processes.A/D Susan A.R. Garrod Purdue University Converter ICs Grounding and Bypassing on D/A and A/D
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17.1 Digital Image Processing Image Capture. Point Operations Image Enhancement. Digital Purdue University Image Compression. Reconstruction. Edge Detection.Analysis Charles A.Bouman and Computer Vision Purdue University 17.2 Video Signal Processing Sampling. Quantization. Vector Quantization.Video Sarah A. Rajala Compression Informatin Preserving Coders.Predictive North Carolina State University Coding. Motion-Compensated Predictive Coding- Transform Coding. Subband Coding HDTV. Motion Estimation N.K.Bose
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18.1 Special Architectures Pipelining. Parallel Processing. Retiming. Unfolding. ia Folding Transformation Look-Ahead Technique. Associativity Transformation. Distributivity Arithmetic Processor Architectures. Computer-Aided Design. Future VLSI DSP Systems Keshab K. Parhi 18.2 Signal Processing Chips and Applications University of Minnesota System. Implementation of a Finite Impulse Response Filter with Rulph Chassaing the TMS320C25. Floating-Point TMS320C30-Based Development Roger Williams University
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Greek Alphabet International System of Units(SI) Definitions of SI Base Units. Names and Symbols for the SI Base Units SI Derived Units with Special Names and Symbols. Units in Use Together with the SI Conversion Constants and Multipliers Recommended Decimal Multiples and Submultiples. Conversion Factors-Metric to English
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100 Control Systems W.L. Brogan, G.K. F. Lee, A P Sage, B.C. Kuo, C L. Phillip R D. Harbor, R.G. Jacquot, J.E. McInroy D P. Atherton, J.S. Bay W.T. Baumann, M-Y Chow Models. Deynamic Response. Frequency Response Methods: Bode Diagram Approach RootLocus.compensation.DigitalControlSystems.nonlinear Optimal Control and Estimation. Neural Control
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Yariv Ephraim ATeT Bell Laboratories George Mason University Jesse W.Fussell General Approaches. Model Adaptation. Analysis-by-Synthesis. Department of Defense Particular Implementations. Speech Quality and Intelligibility Standardiza Variable Rate Coding. Summary and Conclusions Lynn D. Wilcox FX Palo Alto Lab
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9.1 Introduction Richard C. Dorf 9.2 Three-Phase Connections University of California, Davis 9.3 Wye Delta Transformations 9.1 Introduction Two very important two-ports are the T and II networks shown in Fig. 9.1. Because we encounter these two
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5.1 Diodes and Rectifiers DiodesRectifiers Jerry L. Hudgins 5.2Limiters University of South carolina Limiting Circuits. Precision Rectifying Circuits Theodore. Bogart, Jr. 5.3 Distortion Harmonic Distortion.Power-Series Method.Differential-Error University of Southern Mississippi Method Three- Point Method. Five-Point Method
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3.1 Voltage and Current Laws Kirchhoff's Current Law. Kirchhoff's Current Law in the Complex Domain.Kirchhoff's Voltage Law. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law in the Complex Domain. Importance of KVL and KCI Michael D. Ciletti 3.2 Node and Mesh Analysis University of Colorado Node Analysis. Mesh Analysis. Summary 3.3 Network Theorems J. David Irwin
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19.1 Digital Signal Processing in Audio and Electroacoustics Bell Laboratories Steerable Microphone Arrays. Digital Hearing Aids.Spatial Processing. Audio Coding. Echo Cancellation Active Noise Sanjay K.Mehta and Sound Control NUWC Detachment 19.2 Underwater Acoustical Signal Processings G. Clifford Carter
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