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5.1 频率响应概述 5.2 晶体管的高频等效模型 5.3 场效应管的高频等效模型 5.4 单管放大电路的频率响应 5.5 多级放大电路的频率响应 5.6 集成运放的频率响应和频率补偿 5.7 频率响应与阶跃响应
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9.1 功率放大电路概述 9.2 互补功率放大电路 9.3 功率放大电路的安全运行 9.4 集成功率放大电路
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7.1 概述 7.2 基本运算电路 7.3 模拟乘法器及其在运算电路中的应用 7.4 有源滤波电路 7.5 电子信息系统预处理中的放大电路
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已知图 1 电路晶体管电流放大倍数 β=400,基区体电阻 rbb’=10Ω,要求: 1. 分析电路的静态工作点 2. 用示波器分析电路的动态,并求出 Au 3. 用波特图仪分析电路的下限截止频率 fL
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一、EDA(Electronic Design Automation) 二、ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) 三、FPGA(Field Programmable Gate-Array) 四、CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device) 五、SOC(System On a Chip)
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Copyright 8 1997 by Noyes Publications No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-29055 Printed in the United States
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What are thermoelectric devices used for? Thermoelectric the military for night vision equipment, electronic Refrlgeration quipment cooling, portable refrigerators
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34.1 Introduction 34.2 Design Entry 34.3 Synthesis 34.4 Verification Timing Analysis. Simulation.Analog Simulation.Emulation 34.5 Physical Design
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1. Prologue 2. Fundamental Concept 3. Linear Resistive Networks 4. Dependent Sources 5. Operational Amplifiers
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一、填空(本题25分) 1.共射共集共基 2.饱和区截止区放大区正偏反偏 3.锗PNP集电基射 4.提高降低加宽减小增大 5.多级放大电路单级放大电路
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