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6-1写出用广义表表示法表示的树的类声明,并给出如下成员函数的实现: (1)operator>>()接收用广义表表示的树作为输入,建立广义表的存储表示 (2)复制构造函数用另一棵表示为广义表的树初始化一棵树; (3)operator=()测试用广义表表示的两棵树是否相等
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4-1设有一个二维数组A[m][n]),假设A[0][0存放位置在644(1),A[2][2]存放位置在676(10),每个元素 占一个空间,问A[3][3](10)存放在什么位置?脚注(10)表示用10进制表示
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2-1设n个人围坐在一个圆桌周围,现在从第s个人开始报数,数到第m个人,让他出局; 然后从出局的下一个人重新开始报数,数到第m个人,再让他出局,……,如此反复直到 所有的人全部出局为止。下面要解决的 Josephus问题是:对于任意给定的n,s和m,求 出这n个人的出局序列
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chapter 9 GRAPH ALGORITHMs $I Definitions e G(V,E) where G: =graph, V=V(G): :=finite nonempty set of vertices, andE=E(G): : = finite set of edges. d' Undirected graph:(V;,vi)=(j,vi): =the same edge 6 Directed graph(digraph): :=2* I tailhead
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复杂图形由相对简单的图形按某种规则构造而成。而相对简单 的图形又由更简单的图形构造而成……,最简单的图形元素可以 用一定得几何参数、属性参数或点阵参数形式明确表达
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9.1静态查找表 9.1.1顺序表的查找 9.1.2有序表的查找 9.2动态查找表 9.2.1二叉排序树和平衡二叉树 9.2.2B_树和B+树 9.3哈希表 9.3.1什么是哈希表 9.3.2哈希函数的构造方法 9.3.3处理冲突的方法 9.3.4哈希表的查找及其分析
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9.1 文件系统的特点与文件类别 9.2 文件系统的数据结构及其关系 9.3 资源管理和地址映射 9.4 目录与搜索方法 9.5 文件系统的系统调用 9.6 UNIX System Ⅴ的中断和陷阱总控程序 9.7 缓冲区管理 9.8 块设备驱动 9.9 字符设备驱动
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CHAPTER 4 Stacks and Queues SI The stack adt 1. ADT A stack is a Last-In-First-Out(LIFO)list, that is. an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at the top only Objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements
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(1) Input There are zero or more quantities that are externally supplied. (2) Output At least one quantity is produced. (3) Definiteness Each instruction is clear and unambiguous. (4) Finiteness If we trace out the instructions of an algorithm, then for all cases, the algorithm terminates after finite number of steps. (5) Effectiveness Every instruction must be basic enough to be carried out, in principle, by a person using only pencil and paper. It is not enough that each operation be definite as in(3); it also must be feasible
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9.1静态查找表 9.11顺序表的查找 9.12有序表的查找 9.2动态查找表 9.2.1二叉排序树和二叉平衡树 9.3哈希(Hashing)表(散列表)
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