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实验一 机构的认知和演示 .4 实验二 机构运动简图的测绘和分析.6 实验三 刚性转子的动平衡 .10 实验四 平面连杆机构特性分析.14 实验五 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮参数测绘与分析.20 实验六 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮范成原理实验.28
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1 模拟信号和数字信号 2 模拟电子电路与数字电子电路 3 数字电路的特点 4 数字电路的应用 5 电子器件的发展 6 数字系统的设计方法 7 学习方法 8 教材与参考资料
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1.1 数制 (Number Systems) 1.3 二进制码(Binary Coding) 1.4 基本逻辑运算 (Logic Operations) 1.5 逻辑函数与逻辑问题的描述 1 数字逻辑概论 Introduction to Digital Logic 1.2 二进制数的算术运算
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4.0 引言(Introduction) 4.1 组合逻辑电路的分析(Analysis ) 4.2 组合逻辑电路的设计(Design) 4.4 典型的组合逻辑集成电路 4.3 组合逻辑电路中的竟争冒险 4.5 组合可编程逻辑器件(PLD)
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5.1 引言(Introduction) 5.2 锁存器(Latch) 5.3 触发器(Flip-Flops)的结构与工作原理 5.4 触发器的逻辑功能 (Logic Function of Flip-Flop)
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6.1时序逻辑电路的基本概念 Basic Concepts of sequence Logic Circuits 6.2同步时序逻辑电路的分析 Analysis of Synchronous sequence Logic Circuits 6.3同步时序逻辑电路的设计 Design of Synchronous Sequence Logic Circuits 6.4异步时序逻辑电路的分析 Analysis of Asynchronous sequence Logic Circuits 6.5典型时序逻辑集成电路
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Part One General Introduction to International Economic Law One General Introduction to International Economic Law Two International Economic Organizations Tree Transnational Corporation Part Two Legal System of International Trade Four General Introduction to Legal System of International Trade Five Law of International Sale of Goods Six Transportation and Insurance Concerning International Sale of Goods Seven Legal System of Government Control on International Trade Part Three Legal System of International Technology Transfer Eight General Introduction to Legal System of International Technology Transfer (Trade) Nine International Licensing Contract Ten Legal Regulation to International Technology Transfer Part Four Legal System of International Direct Investment Eleven General Introduction to Legal System of International Direct Investment Twelve Legal Forms of International Investment Thirteen Domestic Laws Concerning Transnational Investment Fourteen International Treaties Concern
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8.0 引言 (Introduction ) 8.1 555定时器 (555 Timer) 8.2 多谐振荡器 (Astable Multivibrator) 8.3 单稳态触发器 (Monostable trigger) 8.4 施密特触发器 (Schmitt trigger)
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3.0 概述 3.1 晶体管的开关特性 3.2 TTL逻辑门电路 3.3 MOS逻辑门电路 3.4 逻辑门电路使用中的几个实际问题 3.5 正负逻辑及逻辑符号的变换
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9.1 滤波电路的基本概念与分类 9.2 一阶有源滤波电路 9.3 高阶有源滤波电路 9.4 正弦波振荡电路的振荡条件 9.5 RC正弦波振荡电路 9.0 引言 9.6 LC正弦波振荡电路 9.7 非正弦信号产生电路
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