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What is marketing? To attract and retain customers at a profit (Drucker, 1999) To establish, develop and commercialise long-term customer relationships so that the objectives of the parties involved are met (Gronroos, 1989)
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1、客户关系管理的意义。 2、客户关系管理的基本策略与方法
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一、价值与价格的基本概念。 1、价值的概念 (1)价值是主体对客体满足其需要的能力、水平与程度的评价。 (2)市场价值是市场主体对市场客体满足市场需求的能力、水平与程度的评价
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一、促销组合与人员推销 1、推销人员是最重要的市场战斗力 2、人员推销是最富人性化的促销方式 (1)促销方式的多样化与人性化。 (2)促销方式的现代化、电子化、自动化与人性化
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一、新产品开发与市场创新的意义。 1、创新是企业生存与发展的活力源泉。 (1)企业寿命周期。 (2)产品寿命与市场寿命周期。 (3)产业寿命周期与技术寿命周期。 2、创新是提高企业市场竞争力的有效途径
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Income statements and balance sheets may help identify resources. Even unknown advantages lots of little things
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一、市场经济与市场竞争 二、市场竞争的格局与市场垄断的性质
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在产品品质难以辨别的市场中,企业声誉的影响力可持续非常久。 如果产品品质很重要的话,竞争优势也会持续非常久
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Income statements and balance sheets may help identify resources. Even -unknown advantages -lots of little things
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Price wars are bad, especially with high fixed costs. They reduce current profits and erode customers' perception of product quality. Price wars are not inevitable. For example, the French and the Germans fight every fifty years but not every year. But collusion is illegal
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