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leat for industrial processing is usually frozen in the form of carcasses, quarters or boned out primals in 25 kg cartons. Most bulk meat, consumer portions and meat products are frozen in air blast freezers. Some small ind viduals items, for example beefburgers, may be frozen in cryogenic tunnels and a small amount of offal and other meat is frozen in plate freezers. It is not unusual for meat to be frozen twice before it reaches the consumer During industrial processing frozen raw material is often thawed or tem-
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From the moment an animal is slaughtered the meat produced begins to lose weight by evaporation. Under typical commercial distribution condi tions, it has been estimated that lamb and beef lose from 5.5 to 7% by evap- oration between slaughter and retail sale(Malton, 1984). Weight losses from pork are probably of the same magnitude. In addition to the direct loss in saleable meat there are also secondary
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Whilst a number of characteristics affect the overall quality and acceptability of both fresh and frozen meats, tenderness is the major characteristic of eating quality because it determines the ease with which meat can be chewed and swallowed. The tenderness of meat is affected by both chilling/freezing and storage. Under the proper conditions, tenderness is well maintained throughout the chilled/frozen storage life, but improper chilling/freezing can produce severe toughening and meat of poor eating quality
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Microbiology of refrigerated meat There are many pertinent texts on the microbiology of meats. The purpose of this chapter is to examine briefly the types of micro-organisms and con- ditions that are of interest in relation to the refrigeration of meat and meat products. In a perfect world, meat would be completely free of pathogenic(food poisoning
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改善金属材料的性能,主要可以通过如下几种途径:合金化即加入合金元素,调整材料的化学成分。可显著媞高钢的强度、硬度和韧性,并使其具有耐蚀、耐热等特殊性热处理即金属材料通过不同的加热、保温和冷却的方式。使基内部的組结构发生变化,以达到改善加工工艺性前和强化力学性能的目的。 5.1 金属材料的改性处理理论基础 5.2 钢的热处理 5.3 钢的表面强化处理
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利用制冷剂液体在气化时(沸腾时) 技产生的吸热效应,达到制冷目的
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一、军事物流基础 军事物流活动溯源 冷兵器时代:内容简单、范围小、易组织 机械化战争时代:系列化、现代化、现代化 二战期间:运筹学的应用。 现阶段:成为军事系统中不可或缺的,具有先 进物流理论、专业化物流人才队伍、较完善的 物流设施、设备的物资保障系统
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• 7.1 金属的塑性成形工艺基础 • 7.1.1 金属的塑性成形 • 7.1.2 加工硬化和再结晶 • 7.1.3 塑性变形使金属形成纤维组织 • 7.1.4 金属的可锻性 • 7.2 金属的锻造 • 7.2.1 金属的锻前加热和锻成后冷却 • 7.2.2 自由锻造 • 7.2.3 模型锻造 • 7.2.4 胎模锻造 • 7.2.5 锻压零件的结构工艺性 • 7.3 板料冲压 • 7.3.1 冲压设备 • 7.3.2 板料冲压基本工序 • 7.3.3 冲模 • 7.3.4 冲压件的工艺性要求 • 7.4 金属的其它塑性成型方法 • 7.4.1 零件的轧制 • 7.4.2 零件的挤压 • 7.4.3 精密模锻 • 7.4.4 多向模锻 • 7.4.5 锻压新工艺技术简介
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根据《冲压模具设计与制造》课程的基本要求为促进理论与实践相结合,加强学生 实践技能和能力的训练,本课程共开设有实验课、冷冲模设计与制造实训两类实践教学 节
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一、铸造的特点及应用 Pouring Melt in Mold >Solidification >Casting 铸造 Foundry:是一种液态金属成形的方法,即将金 属加热到液态,使其具有流动性,然后浇入到具有 一定形状的型腔的铸型中,液态金属在重力场或外 力场(压力、离心力、电磁力等)的作用下充满型 腔,冷却并凝固成具有型腔形状的铸件
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