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一、填空题(20分) 1.流动法测定甲醇分解催化剂活性实验的成败关键是 3.乙酸乙酯皂化实验中,如果用0.02MNOH的溶液和同浓度同体积的 CH3COOC22H混合,则反应完全时电导率可以用 溶液的电导率代替
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Chapter3 Integral Relations(积分关系式) for a Control Volume in One-dimensional Steady Flows 3.1 Systems(体系) versus Control Volumes(控制体) System: an arbitrary quantity of mass of fixed identity. Everything external to this system is denoted by the term surroundings, and the system is separated from its surroundings by it's boundaries through which no mass
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一、向量范数/ vector norms 定义R空间的向量范数‖·‖对任意元,满足下列条件: (1)‖x|≥0;‖x‖=0令x=0(正定性/ positive definite*) (2)‖ax=|alx对任意a∈C(齐次性/ homogeneous+) (3)‖x+yS‖x+‖列(三角不等式/ triangle
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一、1、公安机关;2、6个月;3、分别裁决,合并执行:4、逃避传唤;5、行为终了之日:6、14:7、训: 二、1、C;2、A;3、C;4、B;5、C;6、D;7、B;8、C;9、C;10、D
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一、填空题 1、消防管理的方针是 2、交通信号灯按其显示意义的作用,可分为 、车道灯和人行横道灯。 3、全国火灾报警电话号码统一规定为 二、单项选择 1、用惰性气体稀释空气中的氧气含量,使燃烧物质缺氧而熄灭的灭火方法是() A.冷却灭火法:B.窒息灭火法; C.隔离灭火法;D.抑制灭火法
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3.1 Basic DC to DC converters 3.1.1 Buck converter(Step-down converter) 3.1.2 Boost converter(Step-up converter) 3.1.3 Buck-Boost converter(Step-downstep-up converter)and Cuk converter 3.1.4 Sepic converter and Zeta converter 3.2 Composite DC/DC converters and connection of multiple DC/DC converters 3.2.1 A current-reversible chopper 3.2.2 Bridge chopper (H-bridge DC/DC converter) 3.2.3 Multi-phase multi-channel DC/DC converters
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(一)传统的分类方法 1.根据溶血作用分类 ①甲(a)型溶血: ②乙(β)型溶血: 3丙(y)型溶血: 2.根据族特异性抗原分类即 Lancefield分类 (二)根据对氧的需要分类 分为需氧、厌氧和微需氧链球菌。 (三)根据致病性与寄生部位分类
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Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Inviscid, incompressible Flow Theoretical fluid dynamics, being a difficult subject, is for convenience, commonly divided into two branches, one treating frictionless or perfect fluids, the other treating of viscous or imperfect fluids. The frictionles fluid has no existence in nature, but is hypothesized by mathematicians in order to facilitate the investigation of important laws and principles that may be approximately true of viscous or natural fluids
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1.写出下列化合物在pH为2.7-12的水溶液中的离子式 (1)异亮氨酸 (2)天门冬氨酸 (3)赖氨酸 (4)甘甘 (5)赖-甘 (6)丙天门冬缬 (2.预测下列a-氨基酸的等电点范围:
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一、例题精解 【例题6.1】图6.1(a)所示电路中,已知R=R1=R2=R3=22,C=1F,L=1H,E=12V。电路原来处于稳定状态,t=0时闭合开关S.试求初始值i(0+)ic(0+)、u(0+)
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