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1071.The proportion of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in the general populaton is: A.1%~8% (易、记忆) B.7%~15% C.14%~22% D.21%~29% E.28%~36%
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1891.红细胞平均生存时间约为(易,记忆) A.100 天 B.110 天 C.120 天 D.90 天 E.130 天
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2781.口服毒物中毒后,最常用的吸附剂是:( 易, 记忆) A. 氢氧化铝 B. 牛奶 C. 鸡蛋清 D. 活性炭 E. 吐根糖浆
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Chronic Renal Insufficiency Pathogen and pathogenesis Manifestation Laboratory examination Diagnosis and differential diagnosis Treatment
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Bone marrow hematopoiesis failure led by chemicals, radiation, biological factors and unknown etiology. The common clinical presentation is mild to severe pancytopenia
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Factors cause diseases: chemicals physical biological psychological chemicals:occupational, non-occupational. physical:occupational, non-occupational
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Chapter three Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) Chronic Bronchitis Obstructive Pulmonary Emphysema
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Key Words Respiratory failure Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) dyspnea Hypoxemia hypercapnia Respiratory Support
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