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1 Introduction 2 SAS Language 2.1 Proc Step and Data Step 2.2 SAS Logical Library 2.2.1 Access SAS file 2.2.2 View SAS library and file 3 SAS Programming 3.1 Reading data by DATA STEP 3.2 Output format 3.3 Manipulate datasets 3.3.1 SET statement 3.3.2 SORT proc 3.4 Logical statements 3.4.1 IF-THEN statement 3.4.2 SELECT-WHEN statement 3.4.3 DO-ENDS statement 3.4.4 DO-WHILE DO-UNTIL statement 3.5 OPERATIONS 4 Basic statistical analysis 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Proc 4.1.1 MEANS proc 4.1.2 SUMMARY proc 4.1.3 UNIVARIATE proc 4.1.4 TABULATE PROC 4.1.5 GCHART proc 4.1.6 GPLOT proc 4.2 INFERENTIAL Statistics 4.2.1 T-TEST 4.2.2 Chi-square tests 4.2.3 Correlation 4.2.4 Regression
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.5MB 文档页数:85
1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge end systems, access networks, links 1.3 Network core circuit switching, packet switching, network structure 1.4 Delay, loss and throughput in packet-switched networks 1.5 Protocol layers, service models 1.6 Networks under attack: security 1.7 History
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:700.5KB 文档页数:81
7.1 What is network security? 7.2 Principles of cryptography 7.3 Authentication 7.4 Integrity 7.5 Key Distribution and certification 7.6 Access control: firewalls 7.7 Attacks and counter measures 7.8 Security in many layers
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.18MB 文档页数:85
9.1 Introduction 9.2 Time Class Case Study 9.3 Class Scope and Accessing Class Members 9.4 Separating Interface from Implementation 9.5 Access Functions and Utility Functions 9.6 Time Class Case Study: Constructors with Default Arguments 9.7 Destructors 9.8 When Constructors and Destructors Are Called 9.9 Time Class Case Study: A Subtle Trap - Returning a Reference to a private Data Member 9.10 Default Memberwise Assignment
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香港中文大学:《CMSC5719 Seminar》课程教学资源(讲义)Lecture 01 A Secure Overlay Cloud Storage System with Access Control and Assured Deletion
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:3.38MB 文档页数:109
5.1 introduction, services 5.2 error detection, correction 5.3 multiple access protocols 5.4 LANs ▪ addressing, ARP ▪ Ethernet ▪ switches ▪ VLANS 5.5 link virtualization: MPLS 5.6 data center networking 5.7 a day in the life of a web request
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:5.08MB 文档页数:88
Basic Concepts Ordered Indices B+-Tree Index Files B-Tree Index Files Static Hashing Dynamic Hashing Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing Index Definition in SQL Multiple-Key Access
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.63MB 文档页数:82
Basic Concepts Ordered Indices B+-Tree Index Files B-Tree Index Files Static Hashing Dynamic Hashing Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing Index Definition in SQL Multiple-Key Access
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:413.18KB 文档页数:11
计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Smartphone Privacy Leakage of Social Relationships and Demographics from Surrounding Access Points
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:947.48KB 文档页数:151
SQL特点 9.1.1数据库语言SQL 9.1.2SQL特点 2 SQL数据定义 9.2.1 SQL模式的创建和撤销 9.2.2 SQL的基本数据类型 9.2.3基本的表的创建和撤销 9.2.4索引的创建和撤销 3 SQL数据查询 9.3.1 SELECT基本句型 9.3.2 SELECT语句的使用技术 9.3.3 SELECT语句完整的结构 9.3.4 数据查询的改进写法 9.3.5 嵌套查询的改进写法 9.3.6 基本表的连接操作 9.4.1数据插入 9.4.2 数据删除 9.4.3 数据修改 4 SQL数据更新 4 计算机基础教研室 6 嵌入式SQL 5 视图的定义及操作 9.5.1 视图的创建和撤销 9.5.2 对视图的操作 9.6.1 嵌入式SQL的实现方式 9.6.2 嵌入式SQL的使用规定 9.6.3 SQL的集合处理方式的主语言 单记录处理方式之间的协调 9.6.4嵌入式SQL的使用技术
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