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WHAT IS ASPEN? A computer program for steady-state process simulation (a.k. process Flowsheeting) Developed for the simulation of Chemical Petrochemical Processes Coal-based Processes Petroleum Refining Polymer Processes One of many commercially available flowsheeting programs such as PROII (Simulation Sciences) HYSIM (Hyprotech)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:34.94KB 文档页数:17
WHAT IS ASPEN? A computer program for steady-state process simulation (a.k. process Flowsheeting) Developed for the simulation of Chemical Petrochemical Processes Coal-based Processes Petroleum Refining Polymer Processes One of many commercially available flowsheeting programs such as PROII (Simulation Sciences) HYSIM (Hyprotech) ChemCad(Chemstation)
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