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devices the techniques were tailored to gate networks of the type described above. The term gate was already in use in the forties to denote the logical elements discussed earlier. There are very many good references on Boolean algebra and we may quote only a selected few of them. Suffice it to mention the texts by Hill and Peterson [1974], Kohavi [1978], and Hohn [1966]. These books give
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English Pronunciation for Communication is a compulsory course offered to the first year English majors with an aim to help the students to improve their English pronunciation and intonation for more effective communication. The students will undergo intensive training in the pronunciation of individual phonemes in English, in the rhythmic patterns of the English language and in the patterns and functions of English intonation, so that the students will be able to communicate more effectively with good pronunciation and intonation
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Objectives of the CourseThis course is intended to help the students toimprove their English pronunciation, includingsuch elements as (1) the correct pronunciation of individualphonemes and words in English (2) the rhythmic patterns of the English language (3) patterns and functions of English intonation,so that the students will be able to communicate moreeffectively with good pronunciation and intonation
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一、公共品(Public good) 二、是指可以供一群消费者同时消费的物品。 三、如:国防、知识、公路、绿化
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Summarize the passage using the tips below. no parents around make all decisions a real career give some guidance set either a good or a bad example never have such an opportunity again
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Teaching Objectives: Students(Ss)will be able to: get acquainted with a new way of communication-showing deep caring to others. understand the favorable effect of deep caring and learn how to extend a helping hand to people in difficulties
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5. Aggregating Consumers Consumer Heterogeneity and a Discrete good b. The Properties of Aggregate Demand The Existence of a representative Consumer d. Externalities e. The Social Multiplier
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1. The good and bad sides of using triacylglycerols as an energy storage Highly reduced, more than twice as much energy as carbohydrates or proteins (~38 kJ/g vs ~18 kJ/g). Highly hydrophobic: does not raise osmolarity of cytosol, nor add extra weight; but must be emulsified before digestion and transported by special proteins in blood
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Note can develop good approximation of key aircraft motion(Phugoid) using simple balance between kinetic and potential energies. Consider an aircraft in steady, level flight with speed U and height ho. The motion is perturbed slightly so that
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2.1 Introduction: the role of packaging in the food chain Packaging has a significant role in the food supply chain and it is an integral part both of the food processes and the whole food supply chain. Food packaging has to perform several tasks as well as fulfilling many demands and requirements. Traditionally, a food package makes distribution easier. It has protected food from environmental conditions, such as light, oxygen, moisture, microbes, mechanical stresses and dust. Other basic tasks have been to ensure adequate labelling for providing information e.g., to the customer, and a proper convenience to the consumer, e.g., easy opening, reclosable lids and a suitable dosing mechanism. Basic requirements are good marketing properties
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