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Doyle, Chem Rev. 1988, 86, 919. Kodadek, Science, 1992, 256, 1544. Recent Review Article: Chemistry of Diazocarbonyls: McKervey et al. Chem
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\...every synthetic chemist is well advised to follow this fascinating field with appropriate attention.\
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Carey, and Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A fourth Edition, Chepter 13, \Photochemistry\, pp 743-789 \New insights into an old mechanism:
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Olefin Addition RXns in Polyether Synthesis-1 Chem
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Reading Assignment for week: Carey & Sundberg: Part A; Chapter 11 Concerted Pericyclic Reactions Pericyclic Reactions: Part–2 Chemistry 206 Advanced Organic Chemistry
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Carey & Sundberg: Part A; Chapter 11 Concerted Pericyclic Reactions Cycloaddition Reactions: Part–1 Chemistry 206 Advanced Organic Chemistry
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Construct a model for the addition process in eq 1 using the principles learned thus far in the course
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Supplemental Enantioselective Carbonyl Addition Handout Matthew D. Shair Wednesday
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Carbonyl and Azomethine Electrophiles-1 Relevant Dunitz Articles Geometrical Reaction Coordinates. Il. Nucleophilic Addition to Reactivity Trends
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Double Stereodifferentiating Aldol Reactions The Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction Variant Allylmetal Nucleophiles as Enolate Synthons
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