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Medical genetics Mitochondria are extremely small (from.002-008 millimeters in length) rice-shaped structures whose details can only be seen with the electron microscope
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一、前言 二、人类线粒体基因组 三、线粒体基因的突变 四、线粒体疾病的遗传
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Medical genetics Multifactorial inheritance is of individuals that will need speclar responsible for the greatest numbe care or hospitalization because of genetic diseases
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一、前言 二、先天性代谢缺陷的共同规律 三、糖代谢疾病 四、氨基酸代谢疾病 五、核酸代谢疾病
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Medical genetics Any type of change in the chromosome structure or number (deficiencies, duplications, translocations, inversions, etc.)
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一、前言 二、染色体畸变发生的原因 三、染色体数目异常及其产生的机制 四、染色体结构畸形及其产生的机制
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Medical genetics a chromosome is the visible state of genetic material during a phase of the division of the cell (metaphase)
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一、前言 二、人类染色体基本特征 三、染色体分组、核型与显带
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第一章 1.1证明:1°由数学期望的定义,且X是非负随机变量,有:E(N)=nonp(n=n=1P(nn),令m=n-1,有:E(N)=np(nn)=mpnm+1)=2m=p(n>m)=n-p(n>n)2°先证明一般情况。由数学期望的定义,且X是非负随机变量,有:E(Xn)=)= Jntn-I- dt dF)
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