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1、了解 OSAHS的临床表现及处理,掌握几个基本概念, 2、了解喉癌的病理及临床表现,掌握声门上。声门型及声门下型喉癌的临床特点。认识喉癌的治疗
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The most important disease of the middle ear and mastoid are inflammations of various kinds and hearing loses. Tumors of the middle ear are rare. In this chapter we'l mainly discussed acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM) and chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM)
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由于中耳、乳突的急、慢性化 脓性炎症向周围扩散而引致的多种 颅内外并发症,简称耳源性颅内外 并发症
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1、耳的基本结构和生理 2、分泌性中耳炎的临床特征、病因、鉴别诊断、治疗原则
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一、腭扁桃体的急性非特异性炎症 三、常见。有传染性、散发性 四、主要致病菌:乙型溶血型链球菌
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OTITIS MEDIA Guangzhou medical college Second Affiliated Hospital Otolaryngology Ouyang shunlin The most important disease of the middle ear and mastoid are inflammations of various kinds and hearing loses. Tumors of the middle ear are rare. In this chapter we ll mainly discussed acute
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一、前言 1 应变量为分类指标的资料 2 线性回归分析: 3 应变量为连续计量资料
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一、前言 1 变量的相关性 2 公共因子? 3 将多个实测变量转换成少数几个不相关的综合指数
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一、前言 回归分析的目的 设法找出变量间的依存(数量)关系,用函数关系 式表达出来
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