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Objectives The communications Process A Developing Effective Communications a Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix a Managing and Coordinating Integrated Marketing Communications
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Objectives Work Performed by marketing channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
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Service Definitions Classifications How Services Differ goods Improving service Differentiation, Quality, Productivity Improving Customer Support Services
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Factors to Consider Before Going global Selecting Foreign Markets Foreign Market Entry Product Adaption for Global Marketing Management Organization of global Activities C2000 Prentice Hall
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9通信企业产出分析 9.1通信产品及其计量 9.1.1通信产品的定义 产品是经济体系中生产部门进行生产经营活动的最终成果。分为有形产品,无形产品两种,现代营销中很难将两者截然分开
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有(课程类别:专业课,课内总学时:48学分:)本课程作为专业主干课 程,与本专业相关基础课有密切的联系,必须在掌握管理学基本原理基础上进一步提高,因 此,本课程在《管理学原理》、《旅游学概论》、《经济学》等课程之后开设。主要后续课程有 《旅游企业人力资源管理》、《旅行社营销实务与案例》等
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需要—指没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。 Need is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction 欲望—指想得到这些基本满足的具体满足物 的愿望。 Wants are desires for specific satisfiers of needs 需求—指对有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个 具体产品的欲望
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效用是消费者对产品满足其需要的整体能 力的评价。 Value is the consumer's estimate of the product's overall capacity to satisfy his or her needs. 消费者通常根据这种对产品价值的主观 评价和要支付的费用来作出购买决定
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产品是能够满足人的需要和欲望的任何东西。 product is anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or want
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交换是指从他人处取得所需之物,而 以其某种东西作为回报的行为。 Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. 交易(Transactions)—交易是交换活动的 基本单元,是由双方之间的价值交换所构 成的行为
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