Objectives The communications Process A Developing Effective Communications a Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix a Managing and Coordinating Integrated Marketing Communications
Service Definitions Classifications How Services Differ goods Improving service Differentiation, Quality, Productivity Improving Customer Support Services
Factors to Consider Before Going global Selecting Foreign Markets Foreign Market Entry Product Adaption for Global Marketing Management Organization of global Activities C2000 Prentice Hall
需要—指没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。 Need is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction 欲望—指想得到这些基本满足的具体满足物 的愿望。 Wants are desires for specific satisfiers of needs 需求—指对有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个 具体产品的欲望
效用是消费者对产品满足其需要的整体能 力的评价。 Value is the consumer's estimate of the product's overall capacity to satisfy his or her needs. 消费者通常根据这种对产品价值的主观 评价和要支付的费用来作出购买决定
交换是指从他人处取得所需之物,而 以其某种东西作为回报的行为。 Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. 交易(Transactions)—交易是交换活动的 基本单元,是由双方之间的价值交换所构 成的行为