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Introduction Objective: To compare the different imaging configurations for a Separated Spacecraft Interferometer operating from an Earths orbit
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Dynamic programming Design technique, like divide-and-conquer Example: Longest Common Subsequence (LCs) Given two sequences x[l.. m] and yll.n], find a longest subsequence common to them both a' not the
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Abstraction Elements of a Language(or Engineering Design) Primitives, means of combination means of abstraction What weve seen Procedural Abstraction. ambda-captures common patterns and Deep question
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The divide-and-conquer design paradigm 1. Divide the problem(instance) into subproblems 2. Conquer the subproblems by solving them recursively 3. Combine subproblem solutions
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Outline Launch systems characteristics Launch systems selection process Spacecraft design envelope environments
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The signal suffers an attenuation loss l Received power PR= PT/L Received snr=E,/No, Eb=Pr/Rb Antennas are used to compensate for attenuation loss Capture as much of the signal as possible
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Final exam Very good performance overall Essays were particularly good ·Mean-88.5%0 Standard deviation -5.7%
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Objectives Review the format and expectations for the final exam Review material needed to succeed on the final exam Set the material from the course in the context of the product realization process Answer questions
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Term Project Final presentation Isual aids available on-campus Computer projection Document camera
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在研究ASP时,一个首要问题是如何编写能够为ASP页面提供运行期文本的组件。三年以 来,我们使用了很多方法去解决这个问题,使用设计期 ActiveX控件(Design-time- ActiveX Control,DTC)和ASP组件是解决这一问题的两种不同方法
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