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Unit Five Text A Unit One Text B I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study Iv. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Eight Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related Information lll. Outline& Summary IV. Detailed Study V. Home Assignment
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Unit Nime Text B Unit Nine Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Detailed Study Ill. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Ten Text B 1. Pre-reading Ta 1. Does advertising play an very important role in our life?Why? 2. Have you bought anything advertised? 3. What kind of business do you think advertising is Back
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Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: adhesion/migration peptides Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: enzymatic recognition and cytokine Reading S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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Lecture 3: Degradable Materials with Biological Recognition Last time: Theory of hydrolytic polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of polymers Designing Biodegradable Macromolecules Today: Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: cell adhesion/migration Reading: S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, 'Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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Lecture 9: Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Last Day: Physical hydrogels Structure and chemistry Toda polyelectrolyte hydrogels, complexes, and coacervates rolyte multilayer theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Reading S.K. De et aL., 'Equilibrium swelling and kinetics of pH-responsive hydrogels: Models experiments, and simulations
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Lecture 11: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials Il: Inorganic Biomaterials Last time: hydrogel applications: molecular imprinting and responsive drug delivery Today biomineralization and biomimetic inorganic/organic composites Inorganic biomaterials Reading L A. Estroff and A D. Hamilton, ' At the interface of organic and inorganic chemistry
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Lecture 13: Molecular Devices Last time biological strategies for inorganic templating by organic materials Biomimetic organic template materials Biomimesis of bone Today Reading V Vogel, 'Reverse engineering: Learning from proteins how to enhance the performance
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Lecture 15: Stealth' particles Last time Nano- and micro-particle carriers Today Delivery of drugs to tissue from circulation stealth particles theory and function Reading S. Stolnik et al. 'Long circulating microparticulate drug carriers, Adv. Drug. Deliv. Rev 16,195(1995) Delivery of drugs to tissues via systemic circulation
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