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一、Definition 二、 Etiology 三、Pathology 四、Pathophysiology 五、Clinical Manifestation 六、Laboratory Data 七、Diagnosis 八、Therapy and Prognosis
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Introduction All babies develop elevated serum bilirubin (SBR) levels, to a greater or lesser degree, in the first week of life. This is due to: increased production(accelerated RBC breakdown); decreased removal (liver enzyme insufficiency) Increased reabsorption(enterohepatic circulation)
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Etiology and Epidemiology of ICH >Trauma (epidural, subdural, or subarachnoid) fetal head is too large in proportion to the size of the pelvic outlet prolonged labor/breech or precipitate deliveries
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TISSUES COMPRISING JOINTS Permanent Regeneration Prosthesis Scaffold Bone
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TISSUES COMPRISING JOINTS Permanent Regeneration Prosthesis Scaffold
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JOINT REPLACEMENT PROSTHESES Fit -Anatomy Function -Kinematics; Range of Motion Fixation Bone cement, bone interdigitation with an irregular surface, bone ingrowth into a porous coating Tribology
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B. Cell-Matrix Interactions A. How cells pull onto and deform the matrix to which they attach themselves. B. Cell-matrix interactions control the spontaneous closure of wounds in organs. C. What happens when regeneration is induced?
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CELLS FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING/REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Autologous -Differentiated parenchymal cells of same or other tissue type -Stem cells (adult) Allogeneic
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SACHUSE Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's/Massachusetts General Hosp
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biologically active model of ECM acts as an insoluble regulator of cell function image removed due to copyright considerations
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