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l Chapter 1-Key terms Collection, summarization, analysis, and reporting of numerical findings Statistics-Two Usages A. The study of statistics B. Statistics as reported sample measures
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生物信息学现状和重要研究方向 1.1什么是生物信息学? Genome informatics is a scientific discipline that encompasses all aspects of genome information acquisition, processing, storage, distribution, analysis, and interpretation. 它是一个学科领域,包含着基因组信息的获取、处 理、存储、分配、分析和解释的所有方面
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Functional form e We' ve seen that a linear regression can really fit nonlinear relationships 2 Can use logs on RHS, LHS or both Can use quadratic forms ofx's Can use interactions ofx's e How do we know if we've gotten the right functional form for our model? Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Dummy variables a dummy variable is a variable that takes on the value l or o Examples: male(= 1 if are male, O otherwise), south(=l if in the south, 0 otherwise), etc dummy variables are also called binar variables. for obvious reasons Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Consistency e Under the Gauss-Markov assumptionS OLS IS BLUE, but in other cases it wont always be possible to find unbiased estimators o In those cases, we may settle for estimators that are consistent, meaning as n→>∞,the distribution of the estimator collapses to the parameter value Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Parallels with Simple regression Bo is still the intercept B, to Bk all called slope parameters u is still the error term(or disturbance) Still need to make a zero conditional mean assumption, so now assume that E(lx,x2…,x)=0 Still minimizing the sum of squared residuals. so have k+l first order conditions Economics 20- Prof anderson
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This paper contains the chapters on public enforcement of law and on criminal law from a general, forthcoming book, Foundations of Economic Analysis of Lany(Harvard University Press, 2003 ). By public law enforcement is meant the use of public law enforcement agents
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Course Description Macroeconomics is the most disputed, confused yet excited field in economics. This course introduces you how economists think about those macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment and recession, and how macroeco could be used to resolve these problems. We will find that economists may give you many different answers. Yet behind their different answers is the difference in the framework of macroeconomic analysis. The course will thus introduce you two major
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study how employment is determined in the labor market We are considering the labor market in which the following relation should always hold:
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study ho lOW money and interest rate is determined in the money and financial market The money and financial market is the market in which money and various financial assets(such as, bonds and stocks) are exchanged
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