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10-1: Inflation, Expected Inflation, and Unemployment 10-2: The Phillips Curve 10-3: A Summary and many Warnings
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8-1: A Tour of the Labor Market 8-2: Movements in Unemployment 8-3: Wage Determination 8-4: Price Determination 8-5: The Natural Rate of Unemployment 8-6: Where We Go From Here
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6-1: Openness in Goods Market 6-2: Openness in Financial Market 6-3: Conclusions and a Look ahead
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3-1: The Composition of GDP 3-2: The Demand for Goods 3-3: The Determination of Equilibrium Output 3-4: Investment Equals Saving:An Alternative Way of Thinking About Goods-Market Equilibrium 3-5:ls the Government Omnipotent?A warning
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:320KB 文档页数:30
1-1.The United States 1-2: The European Union 1-3: Japan and East Asia 1-4: China 1-5: The Core Content of Macroeconomics 1-6: Looking ahead
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:19KB 文档页数:1
一、选择题 1.Pr的磷酸盐为Pr(PO4)4,其最高氧化态氧化物式() (A)Pr203 (B)Pr20 (C)PrO2
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一、选择题 1.Pr的磷酸盐为Pr(PO4)4,其最高氧化态氧化物式() (A)Pr203 (B)Pr20 (C)PrO2
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一、选择题 1.在强碱性介质中,钒(V)存在形式…() (A)VO (B)VO3+ (C)V2O5nH2O (D)VO6
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一、选择题 1.下列各组化合物中,均难溶于的() (A)BaCrO4,LiF (C)MgSO4, BaSO4 (D)SrCl2, CaCl2
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:345.95KB 文档页数:23
Unemployment A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under the sun Thomas Carlyle Unemployment is the macroeconomic problem that affects people most directly and severely. For most people, the loss of a job means a reduced living standard
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