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Concept A protective reflex that can be controlledconsciously Remove excessive secretion & foreignmaterial from the airway Initiated by miscellaneous stimuli or byvoluntary exertion. The most common respiratory symptom
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一、上肢概述 二、上肢轴线及提携角
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一、臀部 gluteal region 二、股后区 back of thigh 三、膝后区 popliteal fossa 四、小腿后区 五、踝后区 back of ankle
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CONTENT Definition of hematuria Etiology Clinical feature Differential diagnosis Laboratory tests Accompanied symptoms
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Definition Frequent micturition: voiding at frequent intervals, due to a sense of bladder fullness Normal: 3-5 times in the day time 0-1 time in the night 200-400ml each time
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Respiratory Function Test Spirolmetry Airway resistance compliance Diffusion capacity measure CO Exercise respiratory function test
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Mechanism Blood velocity1 Blood vascosity Valve: narrowed or incompetent; organic or relative Abnormal connection Vibration of loose structure Diameter of vessel ^or
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Woman complained of tightness in abdomen associated with belching wind which did not relieve feeling. Symptoms usually began between 5 and 6 p.m. lasing several hours. Relieved by White mixture. (D=Doctor, P=Patient)
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Definition: Palpitation may be defined as an awareness of the beating of the heart, an awareness most commonly brought about by change in the heart's rhythm or rate or by an augmentation of its contractility
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Jaundice Definition Accumulation of yellow pigment in the skin and other tissues bilirubin)
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