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一、结构 二、分类和命名 三、物理性质 四、形成yang盐 五、C—O键的断裂 六、醚的自动氧化 七、环氧化合物的开环反应
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一、醇的分类和命名 二、醇的物理性质羟基中氢的反应 三、醇的结构 四、醇的化学性质
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三 Structures and Chemical Properties(结构与化学性质) 键长的平均化;
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Isomers Have the same molecular formula. but different structures Constitutional Isomers Stereoisomers Differ in the order of Atoms are connected attachment of atoms in the same order, but (connectivity); Section 1-9 differ in spatial orientation
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Today' s topics Fluids in motion Bernouilli’ s equation Viscous fluids Simple oscillations
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At ordinary temperature, matter exists in one of three states Solid- has a shape and forms a surface Liquid- has no shape but forms a surface Gas-has no shape and forms no surface What do we mean by“ fluids”? F| uids are“ substances that flow
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Announcements Homework 8: due Friday Nov. 11@ 6: 00 PM ←Chap.7:#7,22,28,33,35,44,45,50,54,61,and65
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The kinetic energy of a rotating system looks similar to that of a
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