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1. Deformation process of polycrystalline materials Deformation process of industrial material consists of three stages Elastic. which is reversible
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Chap. 5.1 Introduction Chap. 5.2 The fundamental law of gearing Chap. 5.3 Gear tooth nomenclature Chap.5.4 Condition for Correct Meshing Chap. 5.5 Contact Ratio Chap. 5.6 Interference and undercutting Chap. 5.7 Gear types and Application Chap. 5.8 Ordinary gear trains Chap.5.9 Epicyclic or planetary gear trains Chap. 5.10 Applications of gear train
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Introduction X Presents the sequence of steps a programmer takes to first create a conventional program and then divide the program into local and remote components w Uses an example application to show the output from rpcgen and additional code required to create the client and server components of a distributed program that uses rpc
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Introduction Continues the discussion of middleware (i.e., tools and libraries programmers used to construct client-server software) Y Introduces the remote procedure call (RPC) concept, and describes a particular implementation of an rpc that uses XDr standard for data representation
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Introduction Single thread for multiple transport protocols Motivation Server design and process structure An iterative example Concurrent multiprotocol servers
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Transport layer protocol is to reate a process-to-process communication Provide control mechanisms Provide a connection mechanism for the processes
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一、分析化学的发展和仪器分析的产生 二、仪器分析的历史发展概况 三、仪器分析的分类 四、前景展望
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Part Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Listen and speak Try to speak more Make your own dialogue What are they for? If you want to learn more
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Part Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Listen and speak Try to speak more Make your own dialogue What are they for? If you want to learn more
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