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上海建桥学院(商学院):课程教学大纲——Literature Retrieval and Paper Writing Standards 文献检索与论文写作规范-工商
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上海建桥学院(商学院):课程教学大纲——Literature Retrieval and Paper Writing Standards 文献检索与论文写作规范-国贸
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上海建桥学院(商学院):课程教学大纲——Literature Retrieval and Paper Writing Standards 文献检索与论文写作规范-会计学
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重庆科技学院:《建模与系统仿真》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五章 论文写作规范和文献检索技巧
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Content 1. summary of last article 2. exchange writing activity 3. a brief introduction of types of essays 4. Writing Is a process 5. writing is a social act 6.Task: write a story about yourself to your classmates
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V. Sentences 1. often tend to use long sentences with compact and simple structures with construction by using adj. phrase, noun phrase, relative clause
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1. This equipment, it is said, was commercially available three years ago 4.-1--1, it was agreed, should be replaceable by-1 at will 8. No textbooks available have mentioned this point
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Means for Emphasis I A sentence pattern that It be stressed part who genera “正是”,“就是” Translation technique
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第一节 文革文艺概说 第二节 革命样板戏 第三节 浩然的小说创作 第四节“文革”时期的潜在写作
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