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第一节 思维的概述 第二节 思维方法与策略 第三节 问题解决 第四节 创造性思维
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Educational psychology is to give tomorrow' s teachers the intellectual grounding and practical strategies needed to be effective as instructors
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Wertheimer came to the United States in 1933, shortly before the Nazis seized power in Germany
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“Any subject can by taught effectively to any child at any stage of development
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深圳大学师范学院:《发展心理学》课程教学资源(习题,附答案)第九章 成人期的心理发展
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深圳大学师范学院:《发展心理学》课程教学资源(习题,附答案)第八章 青少年心理发展
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深圳大学师范学院:《发展心理学》课程教学资源(习题,附答案)第五章 婴儿心理发展
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The primary purpose of school is to give students the skills and knowledge necessary for them to function effectively as adults in reality
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第一节建立和谐的人际关系 第二节培养真挚的友谊 第三节大学生恋爱心理卫生
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一、思维的概念与种类 什么是思维? 思维就是人脑对客观事物的概括和间接的认识,是对事物的本质和规律的认识
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