文档格式:PPT 文档大小:291KB 文档页数:36
11.1安全认证模式 11.2登录管理 11.3用户管理 11.4角色管理 11.5权限管理
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:207KB 文档页数:12
一、ODBC的概念 二、掌握ODBC数据源的概念及其配置 12.1DBC概述 12.2管理ODBC数据源
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:236KB 文档页数:35
10.1数据库备份概述 10.2备份类型 10.3备份策略 10.4备份设备 10.5备份 10.6还原
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.47MB 文档页数:183
Reference Douglas E. Comer, David L. Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol Ill, Client-Server Programing and Application, Windows
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:410.8KB 文档页数:84
Chapter 3: Client Software Design Chapter goal: Algorithm and issues Concurrency in client Client examples
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Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Clients and servers in constrained environments Application gateways Application gateway examples
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Chapter 7: P2P Application development Chapter goal: P2P application model P2P application design P2P example
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第一节 计算机数控系统概述
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Chapter 7: P2P Application development Chapter goal: P2P applicat P2P application model P2P examp P2P example
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.02MB 文档页数:127
Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based Application Development Chapter goal: Www and Http Web programming RPC and Middleware
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