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一、选择题 1.d2.b3.c4.d5.d6.a71c7.2a7.37.4a7.58.b 9.c10.d11.b12.e13.d14.d1.c16.b17.c18.c19.b20.d
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1 The pulverizer We saw in lecture that the greatest common divisor(GCD)of two numbers can be written as a linear combination of them. That is, no matter which pair of integers a and b we are given, there is always a pair of integer coefficients s and t such that
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Sums, Approximations, and Asymptotics II Block Stacking How far can a stack of identical blocks overhang the end of a table without toppling over? Can a block be suspended entirely beyond the table's edge? Table Physics imposes some constraints on the arrangement of the blocks. In particular, the stack falls off the desk if its center of mass lies beyond the desk's edge. Moreover, the center of mass of the top k blocks must lie above the(k+1)-st block;
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Sums and Approximations When you analyze the running time of an algorithm, the probability some procedure succeeds, or the behavior of a load-balancing or communications scheme, you'll rarely get a simple answer. The world is not so kind. More likely, you'll end up with a complicated sum:
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第一篇宏观经济的长期模型 从这一篇起,我们开始运用经济模型来描述和研究宏观经济的运行状况。本篇讨论的宏观经济的长期模型主要是建立在古典学派的理论基础之上的。古典学派的根源可以追溯到英国经济学家亚当斯密(A. Smith) ,古典学派的理论散见于20世纪早期的经济学家马歇尔(A. Marshall)、 庇古(A.c. Pigou)及其他人的著作
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1 Introduction normally, a graph is a bunch of dots connected by lines. Here is an example of a graph
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1 Coloring Graphs Each term, the MIT Schedules Office must assign a time slot for each final exam. This is not easy, because some students are taking several classes with finals, and a student can take only one test during a particular time slot. The Schedules Office wants to avoid all conflicts, but to make the exam period as short as possible
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Problem set SolutioN Exercise for home study o&W8.35 (a) From the system diagram, we see that a(t)=a(t)cos(wet) Using the multiplication property ZGu)= o(X(u)* FT(cos wct)) FT of cos wt is two impulses with area T at +wc. Therefore, Z(w)is the spectrum
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一 、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.在数据的存放无规律而言的线性表中进行检索的最佳方法是 2.线性有序表(a1,a2,a3,…,256)是从小到大排列的,对一个给定的值k,用二分法检索表中与k 相等的元素,在查找不成功的情况下,最多需要检索次。设有100个结点,用二分法查找时,最
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1 Strong Induction Recall the principle of strong induction: Principle of Strong Induction. Let(n) be a predicate. If ·P() is true,and for all n, P(O)A P(1)...A P(n) implies P(n+1), then P() is true for all n E N. As an example, let's derive the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
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