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第一节植物细胞的基本概念 一、细胞的研究简史 (一)细胞的发现1665年Robert Hooke:Cell (二)细胞学说的创立Schleiden、 Schwann (三)实验细胞学的发展O.Hertwig (四)分子细胞学的兴起Watson、 Crick四个时期:
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adaptation and injury of tissue and cell 1. what is adaptation? define: atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia department of pathology
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Images removed due to copyright considerations See Fig. 2 in David J. Katzmann, Greg Odorizzi Scott D. Emr RECEPTOR DOWNREGULATION AND MULTIVESICULAR-BODY SORTING Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 3, 893-905(2002); doi: 10.1038/nrm973 See Fig. 7 in: Katzmann DJ, Stefan CJ, Babst M, Emr SD
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General introduction Ion channels G-protein coupled receptors Second messengers Tyrosine kinase receptors From plasma membrane to the nucleus: Regulation of gene expression Cytokine signaling Cell cycle Apoptosis
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一、名词解释 1.-s细胞(Reed-Sternberg cell) 答案:①一种体积大的双核关或多核关瘤巨细胞;②瘤细胞胞质丰富;③细胞核呈双 叶或多叶状,状似双核或多核细胞;④大嗜酸性核仁,周围有空晕
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一、细胞生物学研究的内容和现状 二、细胞生物学是现代生命科学的重要基础学科 三、细胞生物学的主要研究内容 四、当前细胞生物学研究的总趋势与重点领域 五、细胞重大生命活动的相互关系
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一、细胞生物学研究的内容 细胞生物学Cell Biology 细胞生物学是研究细胞基本生命活动规律的科学。现代细胞生物学从显微,亚显微和分子水平等不同层次研究细胞的结构、功能及生命活动。核心问题是将遗传与发育在细胞水平上结合起来
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They are solid, thinner filament structures (6-8 nm, in diameter) composed of a double-helical polymer of the protein actin. And microfilaments play a key role of in virtually all types of contractility and location of cells as well as motility within cells
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1. The molecule structure of IF (1) 10nm filament showing a similar spatial pattern asMT, to which they may be connected
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—主要是非组蛋白对基因组的作用 细胞增殖、分化、凋亡的相互关系及其调控 细胞信号转导的研究
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