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Constitutive Law(6 equations, O unknowns) C Bound dary conditions of two types Traction or natural boundary conditions: For tractions t imposed on the portion of the surface of the body aBt Displacement or essential boundary conditions: For displacement
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For the potato-shaped body given in class to explain the concept of stress, the field of stress vectors t(n)=t(n)(x)on the plane of normal n given by its cartesian components(1,0, 0) known and its cartesian components are given by the expression
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General outline skin is the biggest organ of the human body is composed of epidermis dermis and some accessory organs the function of the skin: barrier and protection
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Index absorptance HT-54 cylindrical geometry see non-planar geometry absorption HT-57 adiabatic 0-5.0-9 Diesel cycle 2A-4 adiabatic efficiency see efficiency diffusivity ht-22 adiabatic flame temperature 2C-7 dissipation 1C-10 drag HT-24 Biot number HT-30, HT-36 black body HT-56, HT-63 see also
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response involves lymphoid cells, inflammatory cells, and hematopoietic cells. The complex inter- lls are mediated by a group of pro- les to denote their role in secreted by body in activity of cyto- Class I Cytokine Receptors receptors,signal ptors, the role of cytokine Properties of Cytokines
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body. These organs can be classified functionally nto two main groups. The primary lymphoid organs provide appropriate microenvironments for the development and maturation of lymphocytes. The secondary lymphoid organs rap antigen from defined tissues or vascular spaces and are sites where mature lymphocytes can interact effectively with that antigen. Blood vessels and lymphatic systems connect these organs, uniting them into a functional whole Carried within the blood and lymph and populating the Macrophage Interacting with
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Normal Puerperium Definition The time from the delivery of the placenta through the first few weeks after the delivery. 6 weeks in duration. By weeks after delivery, most of the changes of pregnancy, labor, and delivery have resolved and the body has reverted to the nonpregnant state
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Section 12.1 Introduction and Assumptions 引言和假定 a plate is a body bounded by two closely spaced parallel planes and one or more prismatical surfaces normal to the planes
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Medical genetics 2. Inborn errors of metabolism Inborn errors of metabolism are are genetic disorders in which the body cannot turn food into energy (metabolize food) normally. The disorders are usually caused by defects in the enzymes involved in the biochemical pathways that break down food components
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which of the following quantities are independent of the choice of inertial frame? (There may be more than one correct answer) (A)Velocity (B)Acceleration (C)Force (D)Work Solution: In all the inertial frame, the forces acted on a body are same,=ma=F'=ma', therefore the force and acceleration are independent of the choice of inertial frame
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