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电位滴定法 原理:通过对被测溶液电极电位滴定,确定滴定终 点,从而达到容量分析的目的 参比电极:电位不随浓度变化;指示电极、电位随 浓度变化。 终点前后被测物浓度的微小变化引起电极电位急剧 变化,突跃点为终点 仪器:酸度剂(pH剂)或自动电位滴定仪。2m或 0.02pH精确玻璃电极,甘汞电极及双盐桥甘汞、银 、铂、锌、钨离子选择电极。电磁搅拌器、滴定管 与被测样品反应的标准溶液
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Space-Time Code Design in OFDM Systems Ben Lu and Xiaodong Wang Department of Electrical Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 7784 Er-mail:(benlu, wang]@ee. tamu.edu
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高层:建筑高度超过24m的公共建筑、工业建筑,10层及10层以上的住宅 5.1给水工程 5.2排水系统 5.3热水供应系统 5.4消防给水系统 5.5管道敷设
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20.1 Geodesics .... 20.1.1 Motivation 20.1.2 Definition ..:. 20.1.3 Governing equations 20.1.4 Two-point boundary value problem 20.1.5 Example 20.2 Developable surface
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23 F.E. and B.E. Meshing Algorithms 23.1 General 23.1.1 Finite Element Method(FEM) 23.1.2Mesh 23. 1.3 Some Criteria for a Good Meshin 23. 1.4 Finite Element Analysis in a CAD Environment
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13 Offsets of Parametric Curves and Surfaces 13.1 Motivation.... 13.2 Parametric offset curves ........... 13.2.1 Differential geometry of parametric offset curves 22556 13.2.2 Singularities of parametric offset curves 13.2.3 Approximations
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0.1 Overview of intersection problems 10.2 Intersection problem classification 10. 2. 1 Classification by dimension 10.2.2 Classification by type of geometr 10.2.3 Classification by number system 10.3 Point /point\intersection
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Lecture 2 Differential geometry of curves 2.1 Definition of curves 2.1.1 Plane curves Implicit curves f(, y)=0 Example:x2+y2=a2 It is difficult to trace implicit curves It is easy to check if a point lies on the curve Multi-valued and closed curves can be represented
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Lecture 6 B-splines(Uniform and Non-uniform) 6.1 Introduction The formulation of uniform B-splines can be generalized to accomplish certain objectives These include Non-uniform parameterization Greater general flexibility Change of one polygon vertex in a Bezier curve or of one data point in a cardinal(or interpolatory) spline curve changes entire curve(global schemes) Remove necessity to increase degree of Bezier curves or construct composite Bezier curves
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Lecture 1 Introduction and classification of geometric modeling forms 1.1 Motivation Geometric modeling deals with the mathematical representation of curves, surfaces, and solids necessary in the definition of complex physical or engineering objects. The associated field of computational geometry is concerned with the development, analysis, and computer implemen tation of algorithms encountered in geometric modeling. The objects we are concerned with in engineering range from the simple
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