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1角条件和模条件 回顾上一讲我们所学过的,闭环特征方程是
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1平面 我们可得: C(s)=G()R(s) 其中C,G和R是关于s的多项式的分式
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一、回顾使用反馈的动机! 1、减小参数变化的影响 2、减小扰动输入的影响 3、改善动态响应特性 4、减小稳态误差
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13.1 Conformal Mapping: Cauchy's Theorem (保角映射:柯西定理) Recall Stability Problem: To determine the relative stability of a closed-loop system we must investigate the characteristic equation of the system
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Module 12 Frequency Response and Nyquist Diagram
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1.1 Introduction to Automatic Control Automatic Control Systems permeate life in all advanced societies today. Technological develop- ments have made it possible to travel to the moon; explore outer space. And
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《自动控制原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Module 2-examples
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2.1 Modeling of physical systems Model of system-the relationship between variables in system Differential Equation (mathematic model) (parameter model) · Block Diagram and Transfer
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Module 7 Higher -Order Systems (1 hour) TF in Evans or Bode form Approximate a higher order system with a first or second order one Effect of zeros and poles on the transient response Origins of zeros
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Module 6 Second-Order System Disturbance Rejection and Rate Feedback I hour
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