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2.不许离开自己的座位,不许看他人试卷,不许讲话 (有问题举手) 3.老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试 卷交给当堂助教。迟交者不收!
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(1)桌上只有笔和答题纸。(2)不离开自己的座位。 (3)不偷看,不讲话 (有问题举手)(4)老师宣布停 的时候,必须放下自己的笔。(5)老师宣布收试卷时, 试卷必须快速由每排的最左边传向右边,每排最右边 的同学负责把试卷交给当堂助教
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(1)桌上只许有笔,答题纸和英文课本。(2)不许 离开自己的座位。(3)不许偷看,不许讲话 (有问题 举手)(4)老师宣布停的时候,必须放下自己的笔。 (5)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左 边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂 助教
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一、顺式作用元件和反式作用因子 Cis-acting element:不编码任何产物的 DNA片段,能影响与之相联系的同一条 DNA链上的基因表达 :启动子。 Trans-acting factor (转录因子TF) 由调节基因编码,调节基因是一种特殊 的结构基因,其编码产物(RNA或蛋白质) 可以扩散,控制其他基因的表达
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一、构成性转录因子SP1对持家基因的调控作用 1、Housekeeping (constitutive)genes (持家 基因) : 细胞内的蛋白质编码基因,维持细胞的基 本过程。 2、 SP1结合于保守性序列GGGCGG的GC丰富 序列,该序列位于许多持家基因的启动子中。 3、 SP1含有: 3 zinc finger motifs which bind to GC-rich sequance , 2个 glutamine-rich domains interact with TAFII110 of TFII D
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一、 一般特征 二、 DNA 聚合酶链反应 三、 细菌 DNA 的复制 1、E.coli 中的 DNA 聚合酶:3 种 2、复制起始点的特点:在 E.coli 中,只有一个复制点,oriC
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一、 hnRNA 二、 pre-mRNAs 三、 hnRNP 四、 snRNPs 五、pre-mRNA processing The alternative mRNA processing is the conversion of pre-mRNA species into more than one type of mature mRNA
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Over the past decade the variety of hosts and vector systems for recombinant protein expression has increased dramatically. Researchers now select from among mammalian, insect, yeast, and prokaryotic hosts, and the number of vectors available for use in these organisms continues to grow
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What Are the Symptoms of Acrylamide Poisoning? The initial symptoms of acrylamide poisoning on the skin are peeling of the skin at the point of contact, followed by tingling and numbness in the exposed area. If exposure by any means (touch, ingestion, inhalation) continues, muscular weakness, difficulty maintaining balance
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This book celebrates the importance of the question; it is not meant to be a collection of facts or procedures. The writing of this book was inspired by 16 years of queries from the research community.The con￾tributors and I have tried to meet two primary objectives:
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