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Integer Programs LP: Maximize 3x1+ 4x2 IP: Maximize 3x1+ 4x2 Subiect to: Subject te
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Assignment problem Persons and tasks connected by links Objective: Minimize total task time minutes Carburetor Manny 4 minutes Valves
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Robot Localization using SIR Take sample set X+_11 ll. iterate For each sample xt-1 1) Sample from p(X,1 X+1, a) 2) Attach importance weights
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Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning · Motivation earning policies through reinforcement Q values
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Outline Objectives Agents and Their building Blocks Principles for building agents Modeling formalisms Algorithmic Principles Building an agent: The Mars Exploration rover
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Courtesy or Eric Feron and Sommer Gentry. Used with permission. Introduction to Linear Programming Eric Feron (updated Sommer Gentry)
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Roadmap path planning Brian C. williams 16410-13 October 27th. 2003 Assignment · Reading: Path Planning: AIMA Ch 25.4 Homework Online problem set #7 due Monday, November 3rd
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How do we maneuver ImagestakenfromNasa'Swebsitehttp://www.nasa.gov/ Roadmaps are an effective state space abstraction Brian Williams, Spring 0 Courtesy of U.S. Geological survey
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autonomous gents Self-commanding Self-diagnosing IoHc-IO Self-repairing RECOVERY Commanded at Mission level Engineering level Monitors
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SlideGraph-based Plannings based on material from: Prof Dan Weld (Univ Washington)and Brian c。 Willams Prof. Maria Fox(Durham, UK) October 8th. 2003 16。410-13 autonomous Agents eIf-diagnosing Self-repairing RECOVERY Commanded at Mission level Engineering level Cor
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