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EQUIPMENT DESIGN: BASIC CONCEPTS GOALS: Definitions and Concepts Types of Design Design Methodology
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SEPARATION OPERATIONS: INTRODUCTION What are separation operations? Typical applications of separation operations Physical basis for separation operations Basic types of separation operations Performance characterization of separation operations Choice of separation operations
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CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF SIMPLE DISTILLATION COLUMNS Goals: Determine feasibility of proposed separation Estimate tray and reflux requirements Estimate column diameter and height
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CHEMICAL REACTOR CHARATERIZATION GOALS: Outline basic concepts Review reaction chemistry Develop basic definitions of performance Identify important reactor variables Review reaction thermodynamics
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS I TO INVEST, OR NOT TO INVEST, THAT IS THE QUESTION. (With apologies to William Shakespeare) Given one or more potential projects, how do we decide in which to invest, if any? What criteria do we use to evaluate potential projects?
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ESTIMATING THE PROFITABILITY OF A CHEMICAL PLANT Estimating Investment Estimating Cost of Production Profitability Evaluation Return on Investment (ROD) Payout time(Tpay) DCF Rate of Return(DCFROR) Transfer Price
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DESIGN METHODOLOGY goaL-- Produce design for chemical plant that: Is economically acceptable and Is operable,ie., eIs safe → Is controllable Is reliable,and Is environmentally acceptable
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ESIGN METHODOLOGY III: RECYCLE STRUCTURE OF THE PROCESS goAL-- Determine alternate recycle structures for the process based on reactor operating requirements
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BASIC LEVEL II DECISIONS Choice of reaction chemistry Choice of raw material feedstocks Determination of need for vapor recycle Evaluation of economic potential for process
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS II INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Companies(and individuals) invest money in order to earn money Examples Build a factory to make washing machines and dryers → Open laundromat Write novel(what is being invested here?) Get a degree in chemical engineering
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