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本章需要掌握的内容: 各种产量的概念; 边际报酬递减规律的内涵; 如何确定生产过程中各种生产要素的投入量?
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1.有关需求的概念 2.有关供给的概念 3.市场均衡状态的确定 4.各种因素变化对市场均衡状态的影响
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I. Conditions for Oligopoly? II. Role of Strategic Interdependence III. Profit Maximization in Four Oligopoly Settings Sweezy (Kinked-Demand) Model Cournot Model Stackelberg Model Bertrand Model
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第一章 市场失灵及解决对策 第二章 产权制度与企业行为 第三章 政府干预下企业决策的若干问题
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第一章 生产决策 第二章 成本分析
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第一章 基数效用论和边际效用分析 第二章 序数效用论和无差异曲线分析 第三章 不确定条件下消费者行为分析
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I. Market Failure Market Power Externalities Public Goods Incomplete Information II. Rent Seeking III. Government Policy and International Markets
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I. The Mean and the Variance II. Uncertainty and Consumer Behavior III. Uncertainty and the Firm IV. Uncertainty and the Market V. Auctions
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I. Basic Pricing Strategies Monopoly & Monopolistic Competition Cournot Oligopoly II. Extracting Consumer Surplus Price Discrimination  Two-Part Pricing Block Pricing  Commodity Bundling III. Pricing for Special Cost and Demand Structures
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:430KB 文档页数:72
I. Introduction to Game Theory II. Simultaneous-Move, One-Shot Games III. Infinitely Repeated Games IV. Finitely Repeated Games V. Multistage Games
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