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1. Surface molecules of B cell 2. B cell subsets 3. B cell development 4. Function and significance
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1. Surface molecules of B cell 2. B cell subsets 3. B cell development 4. Function and significance
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I. Bacterial Cell Division 5.1 Cell Growth and Binary Fission 5.2 Fts proteins and the cell division plane 5.3 Peptidoglycan synthesis and cell division 肽聚糖合成与细胞分裂 5.4 Growth terminology and the concept of exponential growth 5.5 The mathematics of exponential growth 5.6 The Growth Cycle 生长周期
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1. List the differences between Bacterial and Archaeal Cell Membrane and Cell Walls. The differences between bacterial& archaeal cell membrane and cell walls: bacteria |archaea Cell membrane
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细胞分裂(cell division ),由原来的一个亲代细胞( mother cell )变成两个子代细胞 ( daughter cell)。 各种细胞在分裂之前 ,还必须进行一定的物质准备。物质准备和细胞分裂是一个相互联系的过程,这一过程即为细胞增殖( cell proliferation)
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the cell Learning Objectives 1. About Cell Biology 2. Look briefly at the history of cell theory; 3. Consider the basic properties of cells; 4. Compare some characteristics of two different classes of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes; 5.comprehend a special life: viruses
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Chapter 13 Cell apoptosis 1. Extracellular cotrol of cell division cell growth, and apoptosis Mitogens stimulate G1-Cdk and G1/S-Cdk activities
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1. Discovery of cell and the evolution of cell theory. (~1850s) MJ. Schleiden (1804-1884): Beitrage zur Phytogehesis(植物发 生论), Arch Anat Physiol 1838, 137-176
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Whole cell movement; cell shaping; Intracellular movements; membrane fluidity 1. Whole cell movement
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(1) extra-embryonic blood vessels ---blood island: at the middle of 3 rd week, wall of the yolk sac mesenchyma proliferate and form isolated cell clusters, the peripheral cell become flattened and differentiate into endothelial cell to from endothelial tube; central located cells are detached and develop into primitive blood cells(blood stem cell)
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