chapter 9 GRAPH ALGORITHMs $I Definitions e G(V,E) where G: =graph, V=V(G): :=finite nonempty set of vertices, andE=E(G): : = finite set of edges. d' Undirected graph:(V;,vi)=(j,vi): =the same edge 6 Directed graph(digraph): :=2* I tailhead
lecular association similar to an enzyme-substrate interaction, with an important distinction: it does not lead to an irreversible chemical alteration in either the antibody or the antigen. The association between an anti Fluorescent Antibody Staining Reveals Intracellular body and an antigen involves various noncovalent interac- tions between the antigenic determinant, or epitope, of the ntigen and the variable-region(vH/Vi) domain of the an- a Strength of Antigen-Antibody Interactions tibody molecule, particularly the hypervariable regions
NEW WORDS AND PHRASES personalize[pa: sanal a iz]v.使个人化 convenient[kan'vi: n an t]a.便利的,方便的 rapidity[ra' p i d i t i]n.快,迅速 severe[si'via]a.严格的,严重的 estrict[ris' trik t]v.限制,约束 vary[' v Ear I]v.改变,变化,不同
Production Plans with Multiple Outputs Lety≡(m,,…,ym) be a net output vector, YArn be a convex set,G:Y→R be twice differentiable Production possibility set:{y∈Y|G(y)≤0} Assumption 1.1. Gy (y)>0, Vi,yEY. Proposition 1. 12. Production frontier yEY G(y)=0 contains technologically efficient production plans Definition 1.1. Marginal rate of transformation