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4.1.3线性空间的基与维数,向量的坐标 设V是数域K上的线性空间, 定义4.9基和维数 如果在V中存在n个向量a1,a2,…,an,满足 1)、a1,a2,…,an线性无关; 2)、V中任一向量在K上可表成a1,a2,…,an的线性组合, 则称a1,a2,,an为V的一组基。 基即是V的一个极大线性无关部分组
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Chapter 2 Instruments of IS ◼ 2.1 An Overview of Negotiable Instruments ◼ 2.2 Bill of Exchange/Draft ◼ 2.3 Promissory Note ◼ 2.4 Check Chapter 3 Remittance ◼ 3.1 Outline of Remittance ◼ 3.2 Procedure for Remittance ◼ 3.3 Application of Remittance Chapter 4 Collection ◼ 4.1 An Overview of Collection ◼ 4.2 Documentary Collection Practice ◼ 4.3 Risk Protection and Financing under Collection Chapter 5 Letter of credit ◼ 5.1 An Overview of L/C ◼ 5.2 Procedures of L/C ◼ 5.3 Types of credit ◼ 5.4 Key Issues under L/C Chapter 6 Documents ◼ 6.1 Commercial documents ◼ 6.2 Transport documents ◼ 6.3 Insurance documents ◼ 6.4 official documents ◼ 6.5 Documents examinations and disposal of discrepancies Chapter 7 International Trade Finance ◼ 7.1 Facilities on Import & Export Finance ◼ 7.2 Forfeiting ◼ 7.3 International Factoring Chapter 8 Bank’s Letter of Guarantee ◼ 8.1 Concepts of L/G ◼ 8.2 Parties to an L/G ◼ 8.3 Types of L/G ◼ 8.4 Contents of L/G
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This is an admirably concise and clear guide to fundamental concepts in physiology relevant to clinical practice. It covers all the body systems in an accessible style of presentation. Bulleted checklists and boxed information provide an easy overview and summary of the essentials. By concentrating on the core knowledge of physiology, it will serve as a useful revision aid for all doctors striving to achieve postgraduate qualification, and for anyone needing to refresh their knowledge base in the key elements of clinical physiology. The author’s own experience as an examiner at all levels has been distilled here for the benefit of postgraduate trainees and medical and nursing students. Dr Ashis Banerjee is Consultant in Emergency Medicine and serves as Examiner for those undertaking their MB, BS, MRCS and MFAEM examinations
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1 Acronyms and Acrostics: (for information involving key words) An acronym is an invented combination of letters. Each letter is a cue to an idea you need to remember. Example: BRASS is an acronym for how to shoot a rifle--Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze
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Question No. 1 A liquid Ni-Al alloy sphere is levitated with an induction coil in an excellent vacuum chamber at 500 C. Stirring of the droplet is intense so that the melt composition is uniform at any time. If the sphere has a radius of one cm and an initial Al mole fraction of 1%. Derive an expression which
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Memory strategies 1 Acronyms and Acrostics: (for information involving key words) An acronym is an invented combination of letters. Each letter is a cue to an idea you need to remember. Example: BRASS is an acronym for how to shoot a rifle--Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze
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Ikenes are hydrocarbons that contain a carbon-carbon double bond. A car- bon-carbon double bond is both an important structural unit and an important functional group in organic chemistry. The shape of an organic molecule is influ- enced by the presence of this bond, and the double bond is the site of most of the chem- ical reactions that alkenes undergo. Some representative alkenes include isobutylene(an industrial chemical), a-pinene (a fragrant liquid obtained from pine trees), and farnesene (a naturally occurring alkene with three double bonds
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第三章3-3行列式的初步应用 3.3.1行列式的应用:用行列式求逆矩阵;克莱姆法则 定义设矩阵 a1a12…an A= a21a22…a an1an2…a 矩阵 . A12A22An2 : AnA2n…A 称为A的伴随矩阵。 由行列式的性质容易证得
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 4 Adjusting Accounts for Financial Statement Self-Test Answer the following questions: 1. what is an accrued revenue? Give an example 2. what is the difference between the cash basis and accrual basis of accounting? 3. what is accrued expense? Give an example?
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字符串的概念 字符串是由零个或多个字符组成的有限序列集合,通常我们把字符串简称为串在高级语言中一般都是用引号(“)或单引号()括起来,例如,串a1a2an,我们一般记为“aa2an”或a1a2an
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